Monday, 14 December 2009

May the dough rise with you

Last weekend we went to jolly old London village. We did the essential shoe busting route march across town, looked at stuff. More walking. Looked at some other stuff. More walking. Great fun.

Anyway, London seems to be the only place in the UK where you can buy bannetons. Lovely, linen-lined baskety things. I glommed three of the buggers: big, medium, small. Now who looks like an authentic baker?

Back at the bat-cave: time to give one the new purchases a road-test. After a 60 minute repose in the new snug, cosy banneton, the dough had risen into a perfectly formed round loaf. Brilliant!

Unfortunately, when it was time to hop into the oven, the obdurate, doughy bastard wouldn't budge from the peel. After some typically clumsy tussling, a now lumpy loaf was finally shoved into the waiting cooker.

The important thing, of course is to learn from one's mistakes. Next time: gently tip the proven dough onto an appropriately flour and semolina dusted peel.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Mr. Smith,
    I too am a Miserable Old Git from East Anglia, Chelmsford actually, but now living in Vancouver.

    Just recently started making bread myself. Came across a copy of Crust in our local library and I've now made my second batch of ale bread using Bertinet's ale and yeast poolish method. I've still got much to learn but so far the results have been very tasty.

    Really enjoy your blog.

    Thanks Bob the Other Miserable Old Git
